Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Make Property History

You can find almost all the texts published by the Situationists and references back to the Lettrist International on Ken Knabb's site here. Check out the idea of detournement in particular. In one aspect this is a very early analysis of remixing but a remix with a very specific point to it. Here's a bit of the essay.

'Any elements, no matter where they are taken from, can be used to make new combinations. The discoveries of modern poetry regarding the analogical structure of images demonstrate that when two objects are brought together, no matter how far apart their original contexts may be, a relationship is always formed. Restricting oneself to a personal arrangement of words is mere convention. The mutual interference of two worlds of feeling, or the juxtaposition of two independent expressions, supersedes the original elements and produces a synthetic organization of greater efficacy. Anything can be used.'

In some respects it's an outline of 'playing connect' relating to montage and 'cut up' techniques. In this case it is often used to reposition or re-appropriate main stream, i.e. capitalisT culture and expose the unstated mechanisms by which it functions.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I feel, I will come back here a lot. Need to recap what we went through last week. I'm motivated;-) Thanx.