Tuesday, 19 February 2008

alternate perception

Hi everyone,

Our research is based on alternate perception. Shooting footage with a slow motion camera at a very high frame rate to make the invisible visible. We wanted to experiment with sound to create these footages. Trying to show the movement of sound in/on different materials like smoke, skin…
The building of a tracking system in MAX/MSP is the other technical part of our research. This will give us the position of the audience in space.  If a person moves towards the screen the picture will accelerate. If this same person moves back the footage will then slow down till a nearly still picture. The person could choose how to interact with the footage.
This experiment will be enhanced by sound also treated in slow motion.

Putting a audience in this particular space could create a unique feeling of enhanced time.

stay tuned for an other chapter of our experiment ;)

1 comment:

*_* said...

Not sure how, but what if you could create audio and visuals which audience couldn't really understand which one is generator and generated?