Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Tuesday morning - references

For Althusser on interpellation, the full text is at: http://www.marx2mao.com/Other/LPOE70NB.html
in part 2 page 170 onwards.
Don’t forget that this and many more references are available on the vjtheory http://del.icio.us/vjtheory page. Please feel free to add any more references you have found during the workshops, or afterwards for that matter.

Foucault on Discipline and Punish

Some excellent video lectures at the European Graduate school site including intro to Gilles Deleuze by Manuel DeLanda and lecture on matrixial theory by Bracha Ettinger .

Many more at: http://www.egs.edu/ and go to Faculty tab and video lectures.

Ranciere and the emancipated spectator (good for participation and audience and live performance. The first section is very low in volume)

'On Linguistics' Interview with Julia Kristeva

'Paris: Ville Invisible' by Bruno Latour

From the box:
'Notes on the theory od the Actor Network, Strategy and Heterogeneity' by John Law

DVD Foucault 'Creation of Beingness'

(on behalf of VJ Theory and Ana and Brendan as individuals)

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